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Our Culture

To provide our members with the best experience possible, the YME committee always works to better ourselves and to improve the events we host. Over the years, we have developed a unique culture through which this is possible.


Firstly, we believe in a flat hierarchy where everyone’s opinions are equally valued. Great ideas can come from anyone and all ideas deserve to be fairly treated. Following this notion, we work on the principle ‘to Disagree and Commit’, the key point being commitment. Even if viewpoints differ, YME values the unity and maturity required to disconnect our identity from our ideas. A strong and efficient team supports one another regardless of differing opinions. Finally, we believe that there is no limit to what is achievable given that no individual cares about who is getting the credit. Responsibility is shared; the mission is more important than the credit one could ever hope to gain.  


Meet The Team

Meet the officers from all chapters, a team of students committed to advocating STEM through actualising ideas, creating opportunities and bridging the gap between students, academics and professionals in the field.


YME-Insider is a bi-weekly newsletter comprised of selected breaking news in STEM and exciting internship opportunities in both STEM and finance. We aspire to inform and empower our members academically and professionally through concise, powerful writing.

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